Tuesday, 7 April 2015
Top 10 most popular technology websites
As there are many tech blogs, where all the tech related stuff is gathered. So, for getting all such tech stuff we need to review some of the top and most popular technology websites to write some good and trending stuff on our blogs. For that many of them may known or unknown the top 10 most popular technology websites around web. Today on All Top 9, we gathered all the top 10 most popular technology websites where you can review them daily for trending stuff.
Top 10 most popular technology websites
1. Cnet
Cnet is all time the best technology website which provides reviews, videos, pictures, hands-on reviews of gadgets, tech news, freeware software downloads and more than any tech website provides, since from its launch in 1994, its been the best technology website until now with an alexa rank 99
2. Gsmarena
Gsmarena is the second most popular technology website, which provides technology reviews, gadget reviews, prices of gadgets(smartphones, mobiles, laptops, tablets etc), full specifications of gadgets, comparison of gadgets etc! just type GSM in the google search and you will know why Gsmarena is so popular, even it is dominating the wikipedia for the "GSM" keyword, this proves it to be one of the best and most popular technology website out there!
3. Mashable
Mashable primarily focuses on social media since from its launch in 2005, but it also focuses on technology, gadget reviews, video reviews regarding gadgets, memes, web development etc, As per Time magazine mashable is one among the best 25 blogs in 2009, now it has an alexa rank of 227
4. Yahoo! Tech
we all know Yahoo! as a famous search engine early from 1990s and on Jan 2014, it launched its Yahoo! Tech website which is first of its kind writing reviews purely based on human emphasis on the tech side! lot of us doesnt bother about whats the processor inside the phone or laptop, they just want to know whether its working fastly or not! so its Yahoo! Tech with a new idea on providing new kind of reviews and with My Tech feature you can personalise the products too!
5. Engadget
Engadget is all about gadgets and consumer electronic goods with hands-on reviews of gadgets, video reviews etc, since its launch in 2004, it quickly expanded in covering other topics regarding mobile phone reviews, tech news etc and as per Time Magazine it is one of the best tech blog as of 2010 and now it has an alexa rank of 475 now
6. Techcrunch
Techcrunch mainly focuses in providing information regarding software companies (IT companies) and had over 12 million unique visitors with 37 million page views per month, Techcrunch is also hosting many conferences in order to provide a good platform for industry conversations and collaborations, now it has an alexa rank of 387
7. Toms hardware
Toms hardware tech site mainly focuses on reviewing motherboards, cpus, RAMs,graphic cards, displays, storage devices etc since 1996, it also writes articles regarding gadgets, price comparisons, video reviews on all the computer peripherals (hardware components). one thing that attracts in this Toms hardware site is it provides flexibility for users in making their own computer with its "Build your Own" feature
Gizmodo is all about technology and gadgets, it write in depth analysis of a gadget, video reviews regarding them, comparison of gadgets, latest technology news, covering the conferences regarding technology etc it is a part of Gawker Media and holds an alexa rank of 483 now
9. Slashdot.org
Slashdot.org is basically a tech related news website which covers everything regarding science and technology since 1997, its slogan is "news for nerds, stuff that matters"
10. Lifehacker
Lifehacker covers everything regarding windows, linux, Mac, Ios, android etc and provides tips and tricks on how to use them in a proper manner, the main motto of the Lifehacker is "Tips & downloads for getting things done" and its been providing tricks and tips regarding gadgets since jan 2005 and it is also owned by Gawker Media and holds an alexa rank of 415
These are the Top 10 most popular technology websites as per alltop9 team, these tech websites covered everything from a small computer peripheral to a big gadget, in depth analysis of the gadgets, video reviews etc and we ordered it based on content and the way they provide it!
If you think there need to be an addition, please comment it! we are sure we will add it up!