Monday, 30 July 2018

RT MakeUseOf Hack Your Symbian Mobile Phone With HelloOx2

RT MakeUseOf Hack Your Symbian Mobile Phone With HelloOx2


I love the way the MakeUseOf article is written :)


"You are now free to install what you want, when you want and with a third party file browser you�ll be able to access your phone�s deepest recesses. Good luck, and don�t break anything!"


"If you�re unwilling to pay (and I can see why, given what you�re doing) then the unsigned version can be downloaded completely free here"

I also like the way the software has been designed:

"The hack is completely reversible by running the application a further time, meaning if you�re concerned you can hack, install your software and unhack your phone to its original state. The software you installed whilst your phone was hacked will continue to function, even after the root certificate has been removed."

So, how brave are you... I think Ill backup my phone, then try it - just for the fun of it!

Amplify’d from

symbian hack appsNow why you’d want to do this is entirely your own business, but listen up. HelloOx2 is Symbian hack app that will install a root certificate to your Symbian mobile phone and enable the installation of unsigned software. It’s a bit like jailbreaking the iPhone. You probably know what I’m going to say next.

What Does It Do?

The application first maps a virtual drive and unpacks the hacking files required. Once the file system has been activated, the drive is unmapped and a root certificate is installed. This is the all-important bit will allow you to install what you want. Lastly RomPatcher+ is installed, and your phone is hacked.

The hack is completely reversible by running the application a further time, meaning if you’re concerned you can hack, install your software and unhack your phone to its original state. The software you installed whilst your phone was hacked will continue to function, even after the root certificate has been removed.


go to link download